A-Rod Crawls Back
Thursday, November 15, 2007Since I published this post, A-Rod has in fact fired Scott Boras. Boras, to my knowledge, has not yet closed up shop.
DPS - 1/7/2008
As I type this, A-Rod is close to signing a deal with the Yankees. Supposedly, this deal would be for 10 years, around $270 million. And the clincher? A-Rod went to the Steinbrenner twins with C-Rod (his wife, Cynthia) at his side, but without Scott Boras, his mega-agent. While most Yankee fans will simply go on as nothing happened because, well, they're Yankee fans, I can't help but wonder what all this means in the big picture and what it would have been like to have been a fly on the wall for all of this.
After the debacle that Boras caused by announcing A-Rods intentions to opt out of his contract during the World Series, there has been a wave of bad feeling washing over the agent and his most famous client from all around the sports world. As such, this coming together of the Yankee front office with A-Rod and wife was contingent on Boras not being involved. Mike Greenberg tried to make some convoluted analogy that likened the whole thing to a wimp beating a bully and then the bully never being able to bully again. Well, while you could get away with calling Boras a bully, what person with a grip on reality would refer to the Yankee's FO as "wimpy"? Forget it! They are the evil empire. Sure, the general feeling is that they are moving down the first few inches of a slide into crappy that may (hopefully) last awhile, but wimps? Please! I do think that Greeny has one thing right, though. This screw-up will probably take a lot of the mojo out of Boras's future dealing power.

This just in...Yankees are allowing Boras into discussions about the finer points of the deal. How nice of them.
At first sight, we thought this would mean that a front runner for signing Mike Lowell would be out of the picture. That is not the case, as the Yankees are reportedly looking to see what Lowell would think about moving to first. I'm wondering what Shelley Duncan and Jason "The Wet Look" Giambi have to say about that.
The Yankees have gotten Posada to stay. Bobby Abreau will still be there. They've offered Rivera a boat load of money to stay, and now A-Rod will still be there. The question that still remains to be answered is whether the loss of Torre will make the difference that logic would dictate it will.
And let's not forget one other factor of this whole A-Rod thing. Aside from being just about the best hitter in the MLB (possibly ever), Alex also has shown himself to have the thinnest skin. Might the Yankees need to schedule some therapy for their third-baseman? Will A-Rod suffer some crisis of confidence after finding out that no teams were willing to fawn all over him and pour money into his lap? I think it's a pretty reasonable scenario.